Elasticsearch Consultancy
Freelance Elasticsearch Consultancy.
Independent freelance consultant based in Barcelona, Europe, helping customers worldwide get the most out of Elasticsearch since 2015.
Elasticsearch Query Optimization
Optimizing your elasticsearch queries to enable users to obtain relevant search results from hundereds of millions of records in milliseconds.
Filters and faceted search
Language optimization and analyzers
Semantic search
Spelling mistakes
Autocompleters (search as you type)
Geographical optimization
Elasticsearch Cluster Monitoring
Monitoring elasticsearch clusters to discover performance issues, optimize index structures and sharding.
Monitoring setup and alarms
Index lifecycle management (ILM)
Snapshot backups
Elasticsearch Setup
Opensearch or Elasticsearch?
Cloud managed or self install?
Dedicated master nodes?
Hot/Cold Nodes?
We can help you optimize the costs and set up your Elasticsearch cluster.
Ingestion Pipelines
Sync data from SQL, Postgres, or other databases
Script based ingestion
Manipulate or enrich data
Log Parsers
Filebeat and Logstash
Data ingestion trouble shooting
Elasticsearch Training
Groups up to 15
Online or on-site
Contact us to discuss your project